Monday, March 12, 2007

Just to remind you, a Web Analytics Wednesday is scheduled for this week

Venue: Apex House, Scottish Enterprise, Haymarket, Edinburgh, Scotland

Time: 6pm to 7.30pm followed by drink at local pub

The session will include:
  • Informal question and answer session
  • Web analytics podcast from leading industry practitioner
  • News about an official Web Analytics Association training day
Please do let me know if you're planning to come along.

I'm increasingly aware that membership is very geographically spread, from the Highlands and Moray to the Borders, as well as Glasgow and Edinburgh and its a challenge to find a location that suits everyone. One option is to make at least some of these future events online only. If you have any thoughts on this, including whether online would work better for you (and if so whether evening or day time would be best) - do let me know.

Finally, I have had several enquiries about WAA membership. If you are not currently a member but are interested in joining, membership details can be found here: I will also bring some information packs on Wednesday.

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