Thursday, December 07, 2006

Google talk web analytics to Scotland's marketing industry

The web analytics group in Scotland have for sometime been discussing ways to help our marketing industry colleagues wake up to the value of our services. The Drum magazine feature earlier this year was a start and I know members are all making individual efforts to plug away at this key market.

So it was great to hear Mads Moller of Google presenting at the Marketing Society conference in Edinburgh on Friday. He introduced not just Google Analytics, but basic level concepts of the cycle of measurement, insight and refinement that online marketing offers. He didn't talk about the new multivariate testing tool - this was a basic introduction after all - but he certainly conveyed the possiblities of using analytics data to drive a highly accelerated testing and improvement programme. With most of the great, good and aspiring of Scotland's marketing industry in attendance, it was a plug that we should capitalise on!

Mads - consider yourself invited to the WAA Scotland group anytime you're in town. The dates are below!